Hey there readers! I hope you've missed me nearly as much as I have missed you. The Christmas season is extraordinarily busy for me work-wise, so when I was able to grab a few precious minutes here and there, people who live with me expected me to do crazy things like laundry and grocery shopping, so alas, no blogging.
It's a shame too, as if I would have had time to share the excitement of our lives with you, you would have known that my husband bought me some pretty wonderful pre-Christmas gifts to keep my spirit merry and bright. You would know that Micah named our Thanksgiving turkey Vanna White so we got to say things like, "Vanna should come out of the oven at 1:00," and "Yum, Vanna White is delicious!" You would know how my family had been all but terrorized by Elf on a Shelf. AND as a follow-up to my previous blog, you'd know how I have made honest attempts at embracing technology (as evidenced by the fact that I'm typing this blog on our handy-dandy new IPAD. Oh, and pardon the typos. My fingers have never felt so fat!)
We had a wonderful Christmas, and next year I will plan ahead so I can share some of our family traditions. Christmas 2012 is gone though, despite the fact that I continue to sing Christmas carols and drive those around me crazy. So... moving on.
I am doing a little 2012 highlight reel before I embrace 2013 (I know I'm already many hours into 2013 but since I haven't changed out of my PJs, it's not real for me yet!)
January -
* Celebrated NYE with my favorite people, all gussied up at a country club (for the record, I'm aware I'm not a country club gal... everyone else became aware when I walked passed a buffet of smoked salmon and tuna tar tar and exclaimed, "Ooooh, look! They have egg rolls and chicken fingers!")
* Post NYE pig out, Jay and I gave up sugar, soda, and bread and subsequently lost 20+ pounds each.
February -
* Attempted to give up television for Lent.... failed after 3 weeks.
* Taught Micah all of the Snow Day rituals (put an orange in the fridge, flush ice cubes down the toilet, wear pjs inside out and backwards, etc). This was also a miserable failure as all surrounding school districts were out for a snow day, but Micah's school was still in session.
* Attended a dinner theater with friends. Quite a memorable date night.
* Pretended to care about the Super Bowl, but really only for the games and snacks.
March -
* Had great fun with my ladies at a scrapbook retreat where I did almost no scrapbooking whatsoever.
* Carbs found us... it was a blessed reunion.
* Participated in the 30 hour famine (for reasons other than the results of the above reunion!)
* Micah turned seven years old with a carnival birthday party
* We took a family trip to Texas. We got to be part of a very special wedding, then went to NASA, Sea World, and the hospital where Micah was born.
* I turned 30-something
* On my birthday, I got to see a prayer answered - welcome baby Levi!
April -
* Raved at Youth Councils
* Accepted the fact that I'm too old to rave
* Saw my beloved University of Kentucky Wildcats win their 8th National Championship
* At my little man's leading, I helped Micah pray to ask Jesus into his heart.
May -
*Dressed like an old lady a lot at Women's Camp
* Danced on stage in terrible clothes to "All the Wrinkled Ladies." Awful. and Fun.
* Hosted a murder mystery night. Good fun.
* Jay got to play golf in honor of a dear, departed friend
* Helped Jay organize the Porn and Pancakes breakfast. (Yeah, that's what I said)
* Saw Flogging Molly in concert. Enjoyed the opening band more than the actual band!
June -
* Micah became a jr. soldier (a jr. member of the church).
* We took a family camping trip to Missouri. Like for a whole week. With canoeing and cooking on a fire. (Message me if you'd like to know the address to send my medal!) It was actually quite fun.
* Started a blog - you're welcome ;)
* Jay turned as old as I am.
July -
* Went to New York. Ok, not really. But pretended to in Vacation Bible School
* Accidentally got a pet - Squeaks Sinatra, the giant rat
* FINALLY applied for a passport.
August -
* Attended NSE in Colorado Springs. Amazing experience.
* Learned to lay tile for a Habitat for Humanity house
* Family Camp - "Those Were the Days!"
* a new diva was welcomed to the family - baby Jaylynn
* sweated through the hottest summer in history (115 degrees in Tulsa!)
September -
* craft show - flop!
* Rally/ Dessert Reception - success!
* Celebrated Micah's Gotcha Day at Incredible Pizza and Build a Bear Workshop
October -
* Took a little Mexican cruise with my one true love
* Masquerade Restaurant Crawl
* Had a good family day at the pumpkin patch
* church trunk or treat
* celebrated 15 years of marriage, knowing with absolute certainty that I'd do it all again
November -
* Let zombies into my life
* ORU Christmas Concert
* Thanksgiving with my family, my inlaws, and my Wallaces
* Decided to give one thing one more really good try
December -
* Angel tree, Angel tree, Angel tree
* Great fun at the Holiday Parade of Lights with sweet friends and my little elf
* Got surprise tickets to see Bryan Adams.... one of the best nights of my year!
* Cirque Du Soleil
* Anti-climactic end of the world
* My laptop died. Just in case you're wondering why I'm not replying to your emails.
* Christmas open house party
* trip to KY, just long enough to hug (almost) everyone I love there.
* NYE.... at home... with my boys... in my pjs.... where I fit in perfectly.
2012 wasn't too bad at all. 2013 seems full of possibilities. I have a few goals for my year - try to get and stay more organized, adopt a slightly more organic style of living, read one book that I would describe as "amazing," spend a little more "unplugged" time as a family, dig deeper into God's Word, and make a difference to someone.
Big plans. Maybe I should get out of my pajamas?
Nah, I have one more day of vacation!
Happy New Year, y'all!